Cheapest Time to Go to Egypt - Cheapest Time Cheapest Time to Go to Egypt - Cheapest Time

Cheapest Time to Go to Egypt in 2024/2025

Exploring Egypt’s timeless allure can be both enchanting and economical with strategic planning. In 2024, travelers can uncover the most budget periods to visit, enjoying the country’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes without breaking the bank.

Careful consideration of travel dates and advance bookings can significantly reduce costs, making iconic sites like the Pyramids of Giza, Luxor’s temples, and the bustling markets of Cairo more accessible. This article will explore how to make the most of your travel budget when visiting Egypt in 2024. You can experience the country’s rich history and stunning landscapes without overspending by identifying the most affordable times to go.

Cheapest Time to Visit Egypt in 2024

Abu Simbel Temple in Aswan, Egypt - Cheapest Time
Abu Simbel Temple in Aswan, Egypt – Cheapest Time

The cheapest time to visit Egypt is during the summer months, from May to August. However, the weather can be scorching, with temperatures reaching up to 42°C (108°F). This can make sightseeing and exploring quite difficult.

Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of visiting Egypt during the summer:


  • Lower prices on flights and accommodations
  • Fewer crowds at popular tourist destinations


  • Extremely hot weather
  • May not be able to enjoy outdoor activities fully

If you’re on a tight budget and can handle the heat, visiting Egypt during the summer may be a good option. However, if you want to be able to explore the sights and enjoy the outdoors comfortably, you may want to consider visiting during the shoulder seasons (March, April, September, and October). The weather during these months is more moderate, and you’ll still be able to find some good deals on travel.

Average Cost of A Trip to Egypt During the Cheapest Time

Nile Cruises at Kom Ombo Temples, Egypt - Cheapest Time
Nile Cruises at Kom Ombo Temples, Egypt – Cheapest Time

The average cost of a trip to Egypt during the cheapest time (summer months – May to August) can vary depending on your travel style and preferences, but here’s a breakdown to give you a general idea:

  • Flights: Roundtrip flights from the US to Cairo can range from $500 to $1,500 depending on your departure city and the specific dates you choose. Since it’s the off-season, you might be able to snag a good deal!
  • Accommodation: Budget hotels and hostels cost between $10 and $30 per night, while mid-range hotels cost between $50 and $100 per night.
  • Food: You can expect to spend around $5 to $10 per day eating at local restaurants.
  • Activities: Entrance fees to archaeological sites and museums can vary, but expect to pay around $20-50 USD each. Activities like a Nile cruise or hot air balloon ride will cost more.

Here’s a possible itinerary for a budget-friendly 7-day trip to Egypt during the summer:

  • Day 1-3: Cairo – Explore the Giza Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum, and the Khan al-Khalili market.
  • Day 4-6: Luxor – Visit the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Karnak, and take a day trip to Dendera and Abydos.
  • Day 7: Relax by the pool or the Red Sea before your flight home.

Total estimated cost:

  • Flights: $1,000
  • Accommodation: $210 (7 nights at $30/night)
  • Food: $70 (10 meals at $7/meal)
  • Activities: $200 (entrance fees, basic tours)

Grand total: $1,480

This is a very basic estimate, and your actual costs could be higher or lower depending on your spending habits.

Cheapest Things to Do in Egypt 2024

Khan El Khalili Bazaar in Cairo, Egypt - Cheapest Time
Khan El Khalili Bazaar in Cairo, Egypt – Cheapest Time

Egypt is a land of rich history, culture, and natural beauty. But it can also be a budget-friendly destination, especially if you know where to look. Here are 7 of the cheapest things you can do in Egypt:

  • Wander the Souks: Khan el-Khalili in Cairo is a maze of alleyways lined with shops selling everything from spices and perfumes to carpets and souvenirs.
  • Explore Islamic Cairo: Home to some of the most impressive Islamic architecture in the world, including the Mosque of Muhammad Ali and the Al-Azhar Mosque. Entrance fees are usually minimal or nonexistent.
  • Picnic in the Park: Al-Azhar Park is a large, leafy oasis in the heart of Cairo. It’s a great place to relax, people-watch, and enjoy a picnic lunch. Entrance is free.
  • Visit the Egyptian Museum: Home to an incredible collection of Egyptian antiquities, including the famous Tutankhamun treasures. There is an entrance fee, but it’s very affordable.
  • Take a Felucca Ride on the Nile: A felucca is a traditional wooden sailboat. A ride down the Nile is a great way to see the sights of Cairo from a different perspective. Prices are negotiable.
  • Hike Mount Sinai: For the more adventurous, there’s Jebel Musa (Mount Sinai), where tradition says Moses received the Ten Commandments. You can hike to the summit to watch the sunrise, but be prepared for a challenging climb. There is a park entrance fee.
  • Relax on the Beach: Egypt has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, especially along the Red Sea coast. While some beaches are part of resorts, there are also plenty of public beaches where you can relax for free.

Additional Tips to Save Your Money When Visiting Egypt in 2024

Marina in Hurghada, Egypt - Cheapest Time
Marina in Hurghada, Egypt – Cheapest Time

Here are 8 additional tips to save money while visiting Egypt:

  • Utilize Public Transportation: Cairo’s metro system is cheap and efficient. You can also hail shared taxis (white cars with black and white checkered roofs) for short trips. Agree on a price beforehand to avoid inflated fares.
  • Pack Light & Do Laundry: Laundry services are affordable in Egypt, so pack light to avoid baggage fees and do laundry mid-trip.
  • Drink Bottled Water: Tap water isn’t advisable for drinking, so factor in the cost of bottled water. Buying larger bottles is more cost-effective than buying small ones constantly.
  • Consider Alternative Accommodation: Hostels are a great budget-friendly option for solo travelers. For a more local experience, look into guesthouses or family-run pensions.
  • Eat Local: Skip the tourist traps and head to local restaurants or street vendors. Falafel, ful medames (fava beans), and Koshari are all delicious and cheap Egyptian staples.
  • Haggle Wisely: Haggling is expected in souks and markets. Do your research beforehand to get a sense of fair prices, start low, be polite, and be prepared to walk away if you can’t agree on a price.
  • Purchase a Tourist Pass: If you plan on visiting multiple archaeological sites, consider buying a tourist pass. These passes offer significant discounts on entrance fees over buying individual tickets.
  • Learn Basic Arabic Phrases: Learning a few basic Arabic greetings and phrases can go a long way. It shows respect for the local culture and can help you get better deals from vendors and taxi drivers.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Find the Best Flight Deals to Egypt?

To find the best flight deals to Egypt, start by booking well in advance and being flexible with your travel dates. Use flight comparison websites and set fare alerts to monitor price drops. Additionally, consider flying mid-week, as flights are often cheaper than on weekends.

Are Hotel Prices Lower During the Off-peak Seasons in Egypt?

Yes, hotel prices are generally lower during the off-peak seasons in Egypt. Traveling during late February to early April or September to early November can result in significant savings on accommodations, as demand is lower and hotels offer competitive rates.

What Are Some Budget Activities to Do in Egypt?

Egypt offers many budget-friendly activities, such as visiting public beaches, exploring local markets, and taking self-guided tours of historic sites like the Pyramids of Giza and Luxor Temple. Museums and cultural sites often have low entry fees, and walking tours can provide rich experiences without high costs.

Is It Cheaper to Book Tours and Excursions in Advance or on Arrival?

Booking tours and excursions in advance can often be cheaper, as you can compare prices and take advantage of early-bird discounts. However, booking on arrival can sometimes offer better deals, especially if you negotiate directly with local tour operators.

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