Cheapest Time to Fly to Los Angeles - Cheapest Time Cheapest Time to Fly to Los Angeles - Cheapest Time

Cheapest Time to Fly to Los Angeles in 2024/2025

Planning a trip to Los Angeles but looking to save on airfare? Timing can significantly impact the cost of your flight. Understanding the best times to book can help you snag the lowest fares and stretch your travel budget further.

This guide dives into the factors influencing flight prices to LA, including seasonal trends, days of the week, and advance booking strategies. Finding the most affordable way to reach the City of Angels starts with knowing when to book your ticket.

Cheapest Time to Book Flights to Los Angeles in 2024

Los Angeles Airport - Cheapest Time
Los Angeles Airport – Cheapest Time

There are two main factors to consider to find the cheapest time to book flights to Los Angeles:

  • Time of year: Flights to Los Angeles are generally more expensive during peak season (summer) and less expensive during shoulder seasons (spring and fall) and the off-season (winter). The cheapest months to fly into Los Angeles are January, February, and September.
  • Booking window: According to various travel sites, the best time to book a flight to Los Angeles is generally around 3-8 weeks (40 days) in advance. However, some deals can be found even closer to the departure date, and occasionally, airlines will release sales that can bring prices down significantly.

Cheapest Airlines that Flying to Los Angeles with Average Prices

Spirit Airplane at Los Angeles Airport - Cheapest Time
Spirit Airplane at Los Angeles Airport – Cheapest Time

Finding the cheapest airline to Los Angeles depends on several factors, including your departure city, travel dates, and preferred cabin class. Here are 8 airlines known for offering budget-friendly fares to Los Angeles, along with average prices you might expect (based on searches for various routes and times):

  1. Spirit Airlines: Known for their bare-bones service and a la carte fees for everything from seat selection to carry-on luggage, Spirit offers some of the cheapest fares to Los Angeles. Expect to pay around $130-$200 for a round-trip flight, though be mindful of additional baggage fe
  2. Frontier Airlines: Another budget-friendly option, Frontier offers similar pricing to Spirit, with round-trip flights averaging around $150-$250. Frontier includes one carry-on bag in its base fare, which can be a plus compared to Spirit.
  3. Southwest Airlines: Southwest is known for its two free checked bags and transparent pricing model, with round-trip tickets averaging $200-$300. Keep in mind that Southwest doesn’t assign seats until check-in, so be prepared to board early for your preferred spot.
  4. JetBlue Airways: While not always the cheapest, JetBlue offers comfortable seating, inflight entertainment, and generally hassle-free travel experiences. Round-trip flights to Los Angeles typically range from $250-$400.
  5. United Airlines: A major carrier, United offers a variety of fare classes to suit your budget. Basic economy fares can sometimes be found for around $300-$400 round trip, while standard economy with more flexibility will cost more.
  6. American Airlines: Similar to United, American offers a range of fare options. Basic economy tickets for round-trip flights to Los Angeles might cost between $300 and $400, but be sure to factor in potential fees for checked bags and seat selection.
  7. Delta Airlines: Another major carrier, Delta, tends to have slightly higher fares than some budget airlines, averaging around $350-$500 for round-trip flights to Los Angeles. However, Delta is known for its in-flight service and amenities.
  8. Alaska Airlines: While Alaska Airlines might not be the first airline that comes to mind for Los Angeles flights, they do offer service to LAX from some West Coast cities, with fares generally in the $250-$400 range for round-trip tickets.

Pros & Cons of Flying to Los Angeles During the Cheapest Time

General View of Retail Outlets in Los Angeles International Airport - Cheapest Time
General View of Retail Outlets in Los Angeles International Airport – Cheapest Time


  • Save Money: The biggest advantage is significant savings on airfare and potentially on accommodation as well.
  • Fewer Crowds: Popular attractions and areas might be less crowded, making them more enjoyable to visit.
  • Pleasant Weather: Los Angeles’s shoulder seasons (Spring and fall) offer comfortable temperatures for exploring the city.


  • Limited Activities: Some outdoor attractions or tours might have limited hours or be closed entirely during the off-season.
  • Unpredictable Weather: Although Los Angeles is known for its generally mild winters, winter can bring occasional rain showers.
  • Potential Flight Options: Few non-stop flights might be available at cheaper times, potentially leading to longer travel times with layovers.

Additional Tips to Book the Cheapest Flights to Los Angeles in 2024

Macarthur Park, Los Angeles Aerial View - Cheapest Time
Macarthur Park, Los Angeles Aerial View – Cheapest Time
  • Utilize Flight Comparison Websites: Consolidate your search by using websites like Kayak, Google Flights, or Skyscanner to compare prices across multiple airlines at once. These sites often have handy features like price alerts and calendar views to track fluctuations.
  • Consider Nearby Airports: Expand your search to include smaller airports around Los Angeles, like Burbank or Ontario. While the travel time to your final destination might increase slightly, you might find significant savings on airfare.
  • Explore Alternative Travel Days: Be flexible! Flying on weekdays (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays) or red-eye flights departing late at night can be considerably cheaper than weekends or peak travel times.
  • Track Historical Prices: Get a sense of price trends for your desired route. Tools like Google Flights’ “price history” feature can show you how prices have fluctuated for that route in the past. This can help you determine if the current price is a good deal or if you should wait for a potential drop.
  • Leverage Incognito Mode: Airlines use cookies to track your searches and potentially raise prices if you show repeated interest in a particular route. Use incognito mode or clear your browsing history frequently to avoid this tactic.
  • Become a Points Pro: Consider signing up for credit cards or loyalty programs that offer travel rewards points. These points can be redeemed for free flights or flight upgrades, saving you money in the long run.
  • Explore Multi-City Flights: If you have time for a more extended trip, consider booking a multi-city flight with a different return city. This can sometimes be cheaper than a standard round-trip flight.
  • Subscribe to Error Fare Alerts: Websites like Secret Flying [Secret Flying] track instances where airlines publish fares with mistakes, leading to incredibly cheap deals. However, be aware that these fares might not always be honored.
  • Consider Budget Airlines with Caution: Budget airlines like Spirit or Frontier often have enticing base fares but factor in potential fees for checked bags, seat selection, and carry-on luggage. Calculate the total cost to ensure it aligns with your budget.
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